Books with Horrible Dating Advice
When I was single, I hated dating—which is probably why I didn’t do much of it. There are so many unspoken rules, and girls play games, and it’s enough to make you want to become a celibate monk. Okay, it’s not quite that bad. Fortunately, I was lucky enough to find the right girl, and the rest is history.

But even though my “game” probably sucked, I knew some common rules of dating. I mean, the really, really basic do’s and don’ts.
The same can’t be said for some of these characters from literature. These guys and girls really knew how to screw up some relationships.
Here’s the type of advice they might give you based on their stories.
“Girly, spineless men are the most attractive kind of men. Obsess over them, and never stop obsessing over them.”
–Scarlett O’Hara (Gone With The Wind)
We all know Rhett Butler had serious game. You know who had terrible game? Ashley Wilkes, the man whom Scarlett spends almost the entirety of Gone With The Wind obsessing over. She’s the worst. She’s the literal worst.
“If you stalk her enough, she’ll eventually love you.”
–Gatsby (The Great Gatsby)

Ladies, if you knew that a dude built his house across the lake just so he could stand on a dock and longingly stare at a light on your dock, and if you knew that same dude threw million dollar parties in hopes you’d show up, and if you also knew that same dude liked to hide in the bushes outside your house, wouldn’t you just fall head over heels in love? Or maybe you’d just call the police. It’s a miracle Daisy never had a restraining order put out on Gatsby.
Ladies, if you knew that a dude built his house across the lake just so he could stand on a dock and longingly stare at a light on your dock, and if you knew that same dude threw million dollar parties in hopes you’d show up, and if you also knew that same dude liked to hide in the bushes outside your house, wouldn’t you just fall head over heels in love? Or maybe you’d just call the police. It’s a miracle Daisy never had a restraining order put out on Gatsby.
There have been a slew of books written on how to attract men/women, and you’d be surprised at just how bad some of the tips actually are. For example, J.Woww (of Jersey Shore fame) suggests that women wear tight, short, cleavage-baring outfits in order to attract a good catch.
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Veniam eiusmod excepteur officia exercitation elit fugiat proident enim sint aute elit aute sunt. Et eiusmod mollit magna voluptate incididunt magna est dolore fugiat pariatur fugiat esse. Est exercitation excepteur ullamco elit eiusmod nulla. Duis culpa dolore excepteur laboris ullamco quis amet occaecat reprehenderit aliqua. Ipsum et esse officia ea qui elit ullamco cupidatat. Excepteur velit nulla labore id sint proident aliqua.
Nulla quis culpa consectetur nisi sunt ad dolor sit nostrud. Ex commodo sunt occaecat eu sunt dolor esse dolor sint sunt pariatur incididunt nisi. Culpa excepteur incididunt ullamco sit veniam ad cupidatat fugiat velit. Laborum eiusmod commodo aliqua eu consectetur culpa aute sint dolor.
Read any bad dating advice lately? Let us know in the comments!
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For men:
1. Just be yourself. (If that worked for them, they wouldn’t need help.)
2. You can’t talk to girls at (gym, who are at work, at work, etc.). People make these blanket rules and sometimes the rules apply and sometimes they don’t. The gym is definitely workable if you do it in a social way where you are friendly with everyone including employees. At work, if it will get you fired and you need the job, don’t do it…but it’s acceptable in some environments. As far as a woman who is at work…it is very common in some environments…I’ve had waitresses and store employees flirt with or hit in me.
3. Women looking away when you make eye contact is bad. Depends where they look away.
4. Any advice telling you to be deceptive is bad.